Educational film, September 2020: Huawei – Nokia – Ericsson // Financial perspectives around a market conquest

The 5G market is the new competitive territory for telecoms; here's a financial overview.

5G is currently the hot topic in the world of digital communications.



Many major fields will benefit from it, and the impact of the 5G market will be dramatic.


3 players are fighting to become the preferred suppliers:


Nokia, the Finnish firm that was a major forerunner in the world of mobile telephony.


Sweden’s Ericsson, which was the first company to launch live commercial 5G networks on four continents.


The Chinese company Huawei, which is very much in the news these days and which succeeded in dethroning Apple and Samsung in mobile telephony.


In this educational film, Professor Jacquet examines the finances of these 3 companies and analyzes their profitability and management in an exhaustive way.