THIS MONTH / October 2020

October 15, 2020

Here is our latest content for the monthly subscription

Almost one year of existence for our E-Cademy! We are expanding our offer and preparing new important elements for the coming months. Can you believe that we have a 3-year development plan in our files!

Professor Jacquet is constantly thinking about new aspects so that E-Cademy really becomes the top training place for financial managers.

At the same time, we are developing training programs for companies that allow us to think about new e-learning vectors.

We are finishing the construction of two complete courses with linked exercises and a lot of video teaching. The first one is entitled “Investment Evaluation and Control” and will be available by the end of the fall. The second, entitled “Financial Performance”, will follow very closely. 3 other courses are in preparation.

For our October vidcast, we discussed the most recent model of financial structure to facilitate IPOs: the SPAC.

For our 8th educational film, in this period of Nobel Prize, Professor Jacquet discusses the immense contribution of two nobelized pioneers of the modern economy, Modigliani and Miller, whose work on the value of debt is very appropriate in the face of actual economic trends.

For our blog, Professor Jacquet has revisited his old friend Masayoshi San of Softbank to reflect on his latest work.

Of course, you can still access all our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

More good news is coming this fall!

Welcome to your E-Cademy and stay warm.

The vidcast of the month

October Vidcast 2020 – The year of the SPAC

Concretely, a Spac is a structure listed on the stock exchange with the aim of making an acquisition. At the time of its quotation, it is thus only an empty shell. Contrary to a classic IPO, the funds raised from the public are not allocated to a specific project (financing of equipment, debt repayment...).

Monthly Educational FIlms

Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller, two professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published an article entitled The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment in the American Economic Review of June 1958 around the research question: can changing the structure of capital create value?

Other video

5G is currently the hot topic in the world of digital communications. 3 major telephony players are fighting to become the preferred supplier of the new standard that will revolutionize the world. Nokia, the Finnish firm that was a major forerunner in the world of mobile telephony, the Swedish Ericsson which was the first company to launch live commercial 5G networks on four continents and the Chinese Huawei which is very much in the news these days and has managed to dethrone Apple and Samsung in mobile telephony. In this educational film, Professor Jacquet examines the finances of these 3 companies and analyzes their profitability and management in an exhaustive way.