THIS MONTH / April 2021

April 15, 2021

Here is our latest content for the monthly subscription

Montreal had a very, very early summer while Paris had snow. The world is upside down.

Our learners are all over the world.

We would like to welcome those from Renault this month.

We will soon be offering two types of subscriptions. We are constantly working on the evolution of the platform.

We also continue to prepare specific training programs for companies or institutions. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have specific needs.

For our April vidcast and blog, we explored an important concept in financial management, especially in these troubled times: the concept of value.

The vidcast offers an in-depth look at risk and value, while our blog continues the story of telecom towers value by reflecting on Vodafone’s IPO of Vantage Towers.

Our educational film, meanwhile, examines the disaster that is Walmart’s international expansion by looking, in particular, at the acquisition of Massmart in South Africa.

Of course, you can always access all our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

Welcome to your E-Cademy and have a great spring…





Other video

In the ever-changing world of telecoms, particularly with the advent of 5G, telecom towers are taking up more and more space in the financial equation of this market. Professor Jacquet analyzes in this film American Tower Corporation, Cellnex Telecom, wonders how much a tower is really worth and looks back on the announced IPO of Vantage Towers.