THIS MONTH / January 2023

January 15, 2022

Here is our latest content for the monthly subscription.

The year 2023 starts in a world in perpetual motion, in the midst of more and more obvious social and environmental concerns.

This is why in our development of new educational content we will include a necessary understanding of ESG processes that are becoming indispensable to the contemporary managers we train virtually as well as face-to-face around the world.

This is why our pedagogical film at the beginning of this year will be divided into 2 films, examining the issues faced by the mining giant Rio Tinto in a world of perpetual change. We dig deep into the issue and isolate many interesting contradictions.

Our vidcast looks at the technology company Mobileye, whose products are becoming increasingly essential to the automotive industry, safety practices and autonomous vehicles on the horizon.

Our blog post of the month tells a warm and sympathetic story about the recent thesis defense of one of Professor Jacquet’s PhD students

We are constantly developing new content and courses for our various corporate and academic institutional clients who use our duplicate platforms.

If you are interested in one of our custom solutions, just write to us about it.

Of course, you can always access all our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

We wish you all the best for the new year.