THIS MONTH / February 2023

February 15, 2023

Here is our latest content for the monthly subscription.

The world of financial management is changing with the emergence of environmental and social concerns in governance. Most economists include them as essential practices for the future of the planet. Managers of large and small companies can no longer ignore these issues.

Our development of new pedagogical content includes a necessary understanding of ESG processes so that the managers we will train virtually as well as face-to-face around the world can adapt to this new paradigm.

To this end, this month’s educational film is a follow-up to our January film on the mining giant Rio Tinto. In it, we develop damning conclusions about their highly questionable practices. However, we also show that it is possible to improve these practices. The example of the last few months of the Quebec and Canadian branches of the mining company eloquently demonstrates this.

Our vidcast examines Johnson & Johnson’s recent attempt to dissociate itself from the scandal of carcinogenic asbestos in their talcum powder. The Chapter 11 claim was rejected in court. At the same time, we examine the tool of the Merton principle in the face of such a case.

Another new reality that is currently taking hold in the academic world, particularly at the MBA level, is the CHAT GPT artificial intelligence tool. Professor Jacquet looks at this issue and makes an interesting diagnosis: the academic world will have to adapt to it because AI is here to stay.

We are constantly developing new content and courses for our various corporate and academic institutional clients who use our duplicate platforms.

If you are interested in one of our custom solutions, just write us about it.

Of course, you can always access all our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

We wish you an early spring.