THIS MONTH / May 2023

May 15, 2023

Here is our latest content for the monthly subscription.

May is a month for all sorts of reviews and analysis, and we’re no stranger to constantly redefining our training and educational tools.

We strive to include the most current variables that can benefit our learners and our client companies. Financial management training cannot be static, it must be adjusted to current events and contexts.

This month, we welcome a new cohort from CEDEP’s MBE LiVE program. Welcome to our home.

Our educational film of the month examines the world of coal in Indonesia and the rationalizations of producers around ESG principles.

Our vidcast talks about wind turbine manufacturer Nordex and its unique financing and investment strategies.

Our blog, written by our contributor Ivan Cuesta, examines the results of activist investors’ actions against Groupe Danone.

We are constantly developing new content and courses for our various corporate and academic institutional clients who use our duplicate platforms.

If you are interested in one of our customized solutions, just write to us about it.

Of course, you can always access all our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

Asparagus have arrived in Paris and magnolias are blooming in Montreal…