THIS MONTH / January 2021

January 15, 2021

Here is our latest content for the monthly subscription

It’s our first anniversary!

Although it has been a particularly strange year to start a new business, educational or not, we believe that the distuption of old principles has been very helpful in creating an innovative model of financial and value creation training.

We are becoming more and more a true training school for contemporary financial managers.

Our current subscribers come from all continents, whether they are related to a company, a school or have come individually.

By the spring, the E-Cademy will be revamped and will offer a new subscription model.

This month, we welcome the international participants from Dentsu Aegis and L’Oréal, as well as the students of the Collège des ingénieurs.

We also continue to prepare specific training programs for companies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have specific needs.

We are targeting 3 full courses by the summer with legitimate certifications and 2 more courses by the end of the year.

For our December vidcast, we are analyzing Mongo DB, one of the newest corporate stars of the cloud. It has been able to apply bold principles to its financing,

Our educational film offers the 2nd chapter on the financialization of Coca-Cola. It talks about the last 20 years, the cola war and the huge mistake that was New Coke.

For our blog, Professor Jacquet revisits Facebook, 1 year after our first educational film about its 7 years of fat cows. What does the future hold for the social network?

Of course, you can still access all of our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

Welcome to your E-Cademy and may this new year be fruitful for you.




The vidcast of the month

Mongo DB, A Cloud Profile

Mongo DB, an online database provider, has been incredibly adept with its financing methods, although it is not profitable. This is mainly due to its ability to offer the best value to the client before working on financial skills.

Monthly Educational FIlms

In this second chapter of 2 educational films about CocaCola, Professor Jacquet examines the practices that the company has used to regain its hold on the market after particularly difficult times financially and in terms of public image. He also tells us about the cola wars and the "New Coke" marketing disaster.