THIS MONTH / July-August 2020

Here’s our latest monthly subscriber content

Here we are in our 8th month of existence! In parallel to this platform, to which you have subscribed, over the last few months we have developed a very popular offer of masterclasses and live virtual conferences for various multinational companies. It seems that the future of training, both professional and academic, is heading in this direction and we want to participate in redefining the future.

During the months of July and August there will be no new pedagogical films or vidcasts. I

But we are keeping very busy building two complete courses with linked exercises and a lot of video teachings. The first one is titled ” Investment Appraisal and Control” and will be available in the Fall. The second one, “Financial Performance” will follow very closely.

We will be back on September 15th with a new educational film about Huawei and an actuality based vidcast.

For our June vidcast, we wanted to take a look at the accounting of the Cloud, its practices and an obvious lack of transparency. The subject of the Cloud is inexhaustible and we will certainly come back to it more than once.

For our 6th educational film, we have worked hard to seduce you almost cinematographically with the story of the legendary brand Tiffany’s which, if everything moves according to plan, will be acquired by the giant of luxury goods LVMH.

On our blog, Professor Jacquet talks about the biotech company Moderna, which is currently pursuing accelerated research on a vaccine against COVID-19. Unlike many biotechs that will then be sold to pharmaceutical companies, Moderna wants to maintain its independence.

Of course, you can still access all our previous educational films, vidcasts and blog posts.

More great news are coming this Fall!

Welcome to your E-Cademy and have a great end of summer.




The vidcast of the month

Vidcast of June 2020: Cloud Accounting

Professor Dominique Jacquet was interested in the 4 giants of the Cloud, Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Alibaba and wanted to examine their financial prospectives. He realized that there was very little transparency at the heart of their accounting practices.

Monthly Educational FIlms

The LVMH group, led by Bernard Arnault, is about to make the biggest transaction of its existence by buying the legendary jeweller Tiffany's. Is the asking price too high, is the stock market value fair? Professor Jacquet carefully analyzes the various aspects of this transaction.