THIS MONTH / June 2023

June 15, 2023

Here’s our latest monthly subscription content.

Before our annual “vacation” until September 15, we offer you a beefy and coherent early summer “issue”, very much in tune with the current concerns of the financial world, synchronized with the rest of the planet.

Financial management training cannot be static; it must adjust to current events and contexts.

This month, we welcome members of CEDEP’s MBE LiVE program, as well as senior administrators from OCP and students from the joint Africa Business School/Columbia program.

Our educational film of the month continues our analysis of the importance of ESG standards in the mining industry, this time taking a close look at Finland’s Metso,

Our vidcast looks back at Snowflake after its IPO, and questions the difference between employees and investors in the fluctuating world of global entrepreneurship, particularly among cloud companies.

Our blog continues the reflection begun with the vidcast in much greater depth, and is asking some very pertinent questions at the moment.

We are constantly developing new content and courses for our various corporate and academic institutional clients who use our duplicated platforms.

If you’re interested in one of our customized solutions, just drop us a line.

Of course, you can always access all our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

We wish you a perfect summer and look forward to seeing you on September 15.