THIS MONTH / March 2021

March 15, 2021

Here is our latest content for the monthly subscription

Since our teams operate on two continents, Europe and North America, we’re having a bit of a delayed spring. We’re still freezing in Montreal while we walk the banks of the Seine to get some sun.

Our learners, these days, are as much in Bucharest as in Dubai or in… Fontenay-sous-Bois.

We would like to welcome the learners of the MBE LiVE program of CEDEP.

We will soon be offering two types of subscriptions. We are constantly working on the evolution of the platform.

We also continue to prepare specific training programs for companies or institutions. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have specific needs.

For our March vidcast, we look at the Snowflake IPO and Professor Jacquet examines the best practice to prepare for an IPO, specially for a tech company.

For our blog, Professor Jacquet examines the profitability of Carrefour and mentions the attempt by Quebec giant Alimentation Couche-Tard to acquire the company.

Of course, you can always access all our previous educational films, videos and blog posts.

Welcome to your E-Cademy and have a great spring…




The vidcast of the month

March 2021 Vidcast: Snowflake, the challenge of pricing an IPO

Snowflake is one of the newest cloud players to go public recently with spectacular results. Professor Jacquet analyzes the process and compares it with other companies of the same type that have gone public in the same period. He also offers a reflection from a financial management perspective on the valuation methods to be applied to this type of company. An approach based on value creation.

Monthly Educational FIlms

The Modigliani-Miller theorem is one of the fundamental theorems of modern corporate finance. It states that, in a world without taxes, free of transaction costs and under the assumption of efficient markets, the value of economic assets is not affected by the choice of a financing structure. Professor Jacquet discusses the ins and outs of this argument in more detail here.

Other video

In this second chapter of 2 educational films about CocaCola, Professor Jacquet examines the practices that the company has used to regain its hold on the market after particularly difficult times financially and in terms of public image. He also tells us about the cola wars and the "New Coke" marketing disaster.