Blogs (Subscribers)

Here are all the blog posts published by E-Cademy

We have just celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of an event that made an impression (at the time) in the fast-moving consumer goods sector, Marlboro Friday.

Reflection on the collapse of an institution useful for start-ups and which, at first glance, did not carry out complex arrangements to the detriment of its clients, the now famous Silicon Valley Bank (SVB).

It did not escape you that ChatGPT would profoundly change many professions, starting with education. Faced with pupils, students and other learners who have access to the service, the issue of knowledge control is at the forefront of concerns.

Last week, I had the pleasure to have one of my PhD students defend his thesis.

This is always a very special moment (especially for the PhD student...), because it sets a crucial milestone in an academic career, but also because it allows a dialogue around a theoretical and, sometimes, practical advance in an important subject.

Financial theory continues to express its perplexity in the face of the optimal level of indebtedness of firms. We owe a considerable contribution to MM. Modigliani and Miller who demonstrated that, even if the financial creditor required a lower return than the shareholder because of risk, debt added nothing to the value of the company, except a tax gain quite limited.

After 30 years of absence, inflation is back in North America and Western Europe. Many managers never experienced a double-digit price increase and believed that interest rates (the cost of money!) couldn't move away from zero.

On October 9, appeared on the Internet, a perfectly reliable source of financial information, the disturbing news of a loss of more than 75 billion US dollars in the accounts of ByteDance, founder and owner of the famous TikTok network.

Bill Ackman has just announced that he is returning to investors the 4 billion dollars raised as part of his SPAC Pershing Square Tontine Holdings (PSTH) after having tried, without success, to identify a "business combination", namely an acquisition target intended to carry out a reverse merger, the hallmark of so-called “blank check” companies.

Michael Dell is well known … for having suggested to Steve Jobs to return their funds to Apple shareholders in 1997 when the firm was on the brink: elegance in person.

Between recording this month's vidcast (“A 44 billion tweet…”) and writing this blog (May 14), Elon Musk announced that he was reconsidering the acquisition of Twitter because he feared that “fake accounts” represent more than the 5% announced by the target.